Circular No.: NSE/CMO/048/2006

Download No. NSE/CMTR/7864

Date:  September 13, 2006


Dear Members,


Sub: Automation of Bulk / Block deals data


SEBI vide its circular no. SEBI/MRD/SE/Cir-7/2004 dated January 14, 2004 has decided that members of the Exchange shall make disclosures to the Exchange with respect to all transactions in a scrip where total quantity of shares bought / sold is more than 0.5% of the number of equity shares of the company listed on the Exchange and the same shall be disseminated on the same day to the general public by the Exchange.


Further, SEBI vide its circular no. MRD/DoP/SE/Cir-19/05 dated September 2, 2005 issued guidelines for execution of block deals on the stock exchanges. SEBI has further required that the stock exchanges shall disseminate the information on block deals to the general public on the same day, after the market hours.


In this regard, Exchange has issued circular no. NSE/CMO/0092/2004 (download no. NSE/CMTR/4808) dated February 16, 2004 for ‘Disclosure of trade details of bulk deals’ and circular no. NSE/CMO/0259/2004 (download no. NSE/CMTR/6846) dated November 8, 2005 for ‘Disclosure of trade details of block deals’.


Based on member representation and to simplify the process of timely reporting of bulk/block deals, the Exchange has decided to provide an indicative report of bulk / block deals to the members on a daily basis after market hours (after the client code modification facility provided by the Exchange).


Path: The reports will be downloaded to all the members on EXTRANET server in their respective folders in the following path “/<TM CODE>/ Bulk/Dnld” directory

File format: The file format is given as per annexure 2.

File nomenclature: File name will be “C_BLK_<TM CODE>_<DDMMYYYY>.csv”

Time of file download: After 17:30 hours

Cut off time for members to report in case of any mismatch: By 18:00 hours


The members are required to verify each and every record in the file so downloaded. In case the information provided by the Exchange is found to be matching with member records, the members need not send any information regarding bulk / block deals to the Exchange. In case of any mismatch, they should fax the entire bulk / block deal details to the Exchange within 30 minutes from the time the indicative bulk / block deal report is downloaded in the format prescribed as per Annexure 3. However, if no fax is received within 30 minutes from the time the indicative bulk / block deal report is downloaded, it will be assumed that there is no mismatch in respect of the data downloaded by the Exchange and the same will be considered for dissemination on the Exchange’s website.


To facilitate the members to ascertain the number of equity shares of the company, members may please refer the file (file name: bulkddmmyyyy.xls) which is currently available on the extranet under common/Cmmkt directory. The file applicable for the current trading day will be made available on the same day by 09:00 a.m. The format of the file is as follows:



Number of equity shares of the company





This circular shall be effective from September 22, 2006.


For any clarifications, members are advised to contact the following officials:

Mr. Khushal Shah / Vishal Bohra / Mr. Nilesh Dhage/ Ms. Shweta Fafadia / Mr. Jimit Shah at 26598153/ 26598156/ 26598157.


For National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.




Suprabhat Lala

Asst. Vice President (Capital Market)


Annexure 1


Points for consideration


-    For BULK Deal record

o        Trades executed in the normal market for the day with Date, Symbol, Series, member code and Client Code combination will be considered.

o        Where the total quantity for above combination exceeds (equal to or greater than) 0.5% of total listed capital either on buy or on sell side then the record will be identified as BULK deal.

o        If BULK deal is identified on the buy side, sell side quantity for above combination in Normal market will also be considered.

o        If BULK deal is identified on sell side, buy side quantity for above combination in Normal market will also be considered.


-    For BLOCK Deal record

o        Trades executed in the odd lot market ‘BL’ series for the day with Date, Symbol, Series, member code and Client Code combination will be considered.

o        Quantity on both the sides (buy and sell) will be considered, if available.


-    For DERIVED BULK deal

o        Trades executed in the odd lot market ‘BL’ series for the day with Date, Symbol, Series, member code and Client code combination will be considered.

o        Where the total quantity for above combination exceeds (equal to or greater than) 0.5% of total listed capital either on buy or on sell side then the record will be identified as DERIVED BULK deal.

o        If DERIVED BULK deal is identified on the buy side, normal market trades (if any) for Date, Symbol, member code and Client Code combination on the buy side will be added in the quantity. Also, quantity for the trades executed in the odd lot market ‘BL’ series and normal market trades for the aforesaid combination will be considered for the sell side.

o        If DERIVED BULK deal is identified on the sell side, normal market trades (if any) for Date, Symbol, member code and Client Code combination on the sell side will be added in the quantity. Also, quantity for the trades executed in the odd lot market ‘BL’ series and normal market trades for the aforesaid combination will be considered for the buy side.




Say for example, there has been a deal which qualifies as a block deal as follows:




Buy qty

Sell qty

Issue size (no. of shares) of ACC

0.5% of issue size to qualify as bulk deal









Since the buy or sell quantity is more than 0.5% of issue size of ACC, this deal also needs to be reported as bulk deal. Hence such deals have been defined as derived bulk deal.

In such case, trades executed for a particular client in the odd lot market (‘BL’ series) and normal market, trades for both the markets will be combined and given to the members.


Members may note that the indicative bulk / block deals report will also contain records for derived bulk deal (refer annexure 2 for file format).

Annexure 2


The file will be in pipe delimited format with the file name “C_BLK_<TM CODE>_<DDMMYYYY>.csv”). The file format is as follows:

-         Trade Date

-         Symbol

-         Security Name

-         Client Code

-         Client Name

-         Client Address

-         Issued Capital

-         Threshold #

-         Status (bulk, block, derived bulk deal)

-         Buy Qty

-         Buy Price *

-         Sell Qty

-         Sell Price *


# indicates 0.5% of Issued capital

* indicates trade price / weighted average price

Annexure 3


In case of any mismatch, members are required to send the information pertaining to bulk / block deals on the same day of trade in the format given below on Fax No. 022-26598155 within the cut off time:


S No.

Date of Trade


Scrip Name

Client code

Client Name

Buy (B) / Sell (S)


Quantity Traded (Buy/sell to be shown separately)

Trade Price / Weighted average trade price